The Godzilla FAQ

By Conster!

1. Just who is this Godzilla guy?

It's quite simple, really. Godzilla is a Japanese pop-icon risen out of the mushroom clouds of atomic tests and those who protested against them.

2. Well, what is it? Is he a male or a female.

Well, the way I see things, there are two possible answers to this: The first being, Godzilla is a rubber suit! Rubber suits have no gender. They are not capable of copulation or procreation. All they can do after the movie is made is sit in Toho's warehouse and rot and fall apart. Therefore, Godzilla has no gender. The second, of course, is that we are not meant to know these things since not even Evel Knievel would have the balls to try to climb up a 100 meter radioactive monster's leg to determine its gender. And anyway, who cares about the gender of Godzilla when we are all too busy running for our lives!

3. How many movies are there in all?

The answer to this is 22 coming out of Toho. Of course, there is a new one being made by TriStar, which I knew about long before Men in Black came out, and I already saw the trailer on the web, so all I have to say to the naysayers is this: You deserve to have Devlin put on "Godzilla's Revenge" and say it's the new movie.

4. A new movie that's AMERICAN? C'MON!

Of course! go find out more at, silly!

5. But this isn't the REAL Godzilla FAQ!

Of course not! Who the hell did you think I was, Chia Ning Kao? =P

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