I do not like plugging for businesses on my Web Page unless I have dealt with them myself, say, six months to a year. This is the only way I can see whether a dealer is dishonest or whether he is of well-deserved good repute.
This way, if anyone turns out to be a ripoff, I want it to happen to ME FIRST. This way
I don't get his angry customers coming back to me and complaining because I recommended him to them.
I do not mind copying of a few pictures, downloading a few gifs here and there, or anything like that.
I DO mind if someone steals my text or copies my Web page or part of it and claims the work as his own. I take it very personally also if it happens to one of my friends, as has been the case with both Barry Goldberg and Mark Meloon.
In other words: keep your own Godzilla page unique, as an expression of who YOU are.
I do not mind if you link to my page. Keep in mind that if you ask me to link to your page, I will check your page for myself first, just to see what it's all about.
Remember that I'm up to the hilt in childrearing and housework responsibility, so if you send me your URL and I don't put it up, don't take it personally. In fact, keep bugging me about it.
I do take fan art and contributions (Mark Putt, Chris Abril, Keith Stevens)! Please send these to me by way of E-mail. I have no scanner available. You will be given full credit! (So cough up them cartoons, TJ Rappel!)
This is a page accessible by eight to twelve year olds. I will try to keep the swearing to a minimum, and I will NOT put up: anything pornographic, anything that has to do with drug use, anything that remotely resembles Satan worship, or any of that stuff. I'll try to keep it relatively clean.
Finally, I welcome your feedback, always! Tell me about my page. Tell me where I could do BETTER. Tell me what needs improving on! Without your input, my page is just........garbage!