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Well well well. What to see, what to do...

Hey Hey! Guess who finally got around to updating. Yes, that's right, me!

Conster's Museum of Godzilla is undergoing numerous additions and changes. I've added many new features such as brand new midis: you can now CHOOSE your own background music instead of waiting around for me to pick a tune for you. :)
I've also been experimenting with Java applets and JavaScript... you can actually see G2000 rising up out of a lake! Cool, huh! :) BTW, G2000 is COMING TO THEATERS THIS SUMMER.... YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)

Sorry I've been gone so long. I recently moved to New York state after agreeing to disagree with my folks. I left my three children behind temporarily while I try to build some kind of a life for myself and get to a point where I can actually be a mother to them instead of an "older sister" like I was. In the meantime, I found a job as a home health aide and I'm going to be going back to school to become a nurse (licensed practical nurse, that is!)
Ashli, Jack, Ember, if you happen to read this, I love you and I miss you and I want so much to be with you. It's not easy not being with you guys and I'm going to do everything I can to get back to you or bring you all up here to be with me. One way or the other! Until that day arrives, hang in there. Mommy loves you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Love in Christ and Mary,


PS: Be sure to check out my MIDI COLLECTION! Brand Spankin NEW. Some are by me, some are not. You will be able to guess which ones are mine, if you know me well enough... :)

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Guestbook by GuestWorld

See those who have left their mark!

Pray the Rosary
to End Abortion

You saw me before I was born
and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe:
every day is recorded in Your Book. 

(Psalms 139:16)


Please pray for the Lord to end
abortions and euthanasia and for 
mercy for those who have abortions
and those who do them.

No Jesus, No Peace
Know Jesus, Know Peace


Please Choose Life.
I did... three times.
I have yet to regret that I did.

I'm a Pro-Life Catholic!
Click the Madonna
for more information.


In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan; and you will need the helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:16-17) The Rosary is the Gospel put into prayer and the ultimate weapon. Pray the Rosary daily for peace. 

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